According to the latest GCSE results, girl scores are slowly closing gaps with those of boys – specifically in Physics and Maths.

A 0.5% increase was seen this year. While in the past year 14.7% received top grade (ranging 7 to 9), this year the rate is at 15.2%.

Alternatively, the percentage of boys receiving top grades fell by 0.2% – going from 16.8% last year, to 16.6% this year.

Over all, the gap between male and female top scorers has thinned, going from 2.1% to 1.4%.

Detailed Statistics.

In terms of top grade distribution, boys still currently hold higher proportions (at 45.7%).

However, women are slowly catching up, rising from 39.6% in the past year, to 41.8% this year.

Boys are beginning to fall behind in physics. Girls’ scores are slowly rising, narrowing the gap from 5.7% last year to 3.9% this year.

Girl Outperformance.

There are certain areas where girls dominate over boys in scores.

Those include Biology and Chemistry GCSEs. They also include computing, even though boys are thrice more likely to choose this subject.

However, computing has become highly popular among many girls.

The number of entries this year shot up by 14.5%, compared to boys who saw a 5.9% increase. This indicates that the field may be dominated by girls in the future.

Additional Information.

Educational authorities have many remarks to mention with regards to the closing gap in male/female scores.

For example, General Secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders (Geoff Barton) sees that the development is positive. He sees that school culture is a microcosm that helps people discard the need for gender terms.

He also sees that schools are trying their best to promote the concept of female role models, thus encouraging women’s entrance into STEM fields.

Overall Interest in Sciences.

Thus far, there has been a steady increase in the amount of entries or double-award science GCSEs (+4.8%).

Here, after a student takes Chemistry, Physics, or Biology – they are awarded 2 GCSE grades.

According to Pearson’s Vice President Derek Richardson, the “Attenborough effect” is the reason behind young people’s increasing science interest.

The “Attenborough effect” is derived from Sir David Attenborough’s Blue Planet 2 program, which is seen as a contributor to renewed environmental interest.

Derek Richardson sees that science is an outlet for youth to explore their concerns about the world. He sees that it’s a chance for them to impact their surroundings, especially on controversial issues.

As a result, this concern for the environment is fueling a greater interest in science. Youth are focusing their energies on STEM field work that can environment-saving technologies.

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